Today is July 27, 2024 /

Shabbat Shalom ~ Nitzavim 2022

Dear WJC Family,

Just a short note this week to wish you a L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu. There is a lot of High Holiday information floating around these days. You should pay careful attention to that and I will limit myself to a few brief but important announcements here:

  1. There will be no message from the rabbi or video Dvar Torah next week. You should have plenty of opportunities to hear from me over the next two weeks in-person or on the Live Stream. We’ll pick up these messages after Yom Kippur.
  2. Speaking of hearing enough from your clergy over the holidays, it is my privilege to announce that WJC member-rabbis will be deliver the sermons this Shabbat and next. What a blessing to have so many wise and erudite teachers in our congregation.
    • This Shabbat it is my pleasure to announce that Rabbi Menachem Creditor will be delivering the Dvar Torah.
    • Next Shabbat, Shabbat Shuvah, we will have the opportunity to learn from Rabbi Jen Tobenstein
  3. I can’t resist mentioning—as you may recall last year on Rosh Hashanah, I spoke about butterflies. I mentioned they are in decline (officially endangered now) and that we should help by planting milkweed. Our member Glenna Lee is now the chair of Larchmont Parks and Trees Committee and has arranged a Larchmont Native Plant and Pollinator’s Festival in Constitution Park this Saturday from 1:00-3:00pm. If you walk there, it is totally Shabbat-friendly, and I love to see this manifestation of last year’s message as we approach the New Year. Yasher Koach to Glenna and I hope you check it out!
  4. I hope you saw the High Holiday program insert in your Kolot Magazine. (And Kol HaKavod to the editorial staff and contributors on that publication. The new issue is really terrific!) Please join us for some of our High Holiday enhancing experiences, like the cantor’s class after Kiddish this Saturday and the Contemporary-style “Return, Renew, Rejoice” Service at 5:00pm on Sunday. The musical service will be followed by refreshments and then those who wish can go right into the sanctuary for the mincha-maariv holiday service.

Most of all, I want to wish you all nothing but health, happiness and success in the year to come. And however the year unfolds, please remember that your WJC family, and especially your clergy, are always here for you. Just let us know when you need us and we’ll be by your side.

Blessings for a sweet new year,

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