Today is July 26, 2024 /

Rabbinic Search Committee

Dear WJC Members:

I write to inform you of the most recent developments regarding our search for a new Rabbi, in anticipation of Rabbi Segelman’s retirement.

Over the summer, we engaged in “Let’s Talk Rabbi” conversations to learn more about what our congregation is looking for in our next Rabbi. Thank you to Sarene Shanus, Susie Miller and Ilana Moskowitz for Co-Chairing this effort. The meetings with congregants were well attended and we had meaningful conversations. A report summarizing those conversations will be made to the Rabbinic Search Committee.

I am very happy to inform you that Seth Schafler and Alynn Perl have agreed to Co-Chair the Rabbinic Search Committee. Members of the Search Committee, which is still in formation, currently include Allison Abrahms, Robert Cohen, Elise Dowell, Wayne Goldstein, and Craig Rubin. I want to thank all those agreeing to serve on this most important committee, which will help shape the future of our synagogue.

Please feel free to reach out to me (, Seth (, Alynn (, or any member of the Search Committee with comments or suggestions you may have.

We will keep you advised of future developments. It promises to be an exciting year. Thank you all for your comments and input thus far.

With best regards and wishes for a Happy New Year-Shanah Tovah.

Jeffrey Lavine

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