Today is July 26, 2024 /

5781 Mitzvah Pledge Card Online Submission

“It is not upon you to complete the task of mending the world, Nor are you free from doing your part.” —Pirkei Avot 2:21

5781 will be a new year filled with unprecedented challenges and opportunities for SOJAC as we plan our work within WJC, our local community, and beyond. We are reaching out to our community partners, developing new partnerships to meet changing circumstances.

The 5781 Mitzvah Pledge Card has a new look! You can find your Card in the tote bags distributed with your machzors. Choose the areas that are of great interest to you and send your choices via the instructions provided. You can also make your selections online via the form below. Please submit your options by October 16.

Choose your areas of interest, enter the information, submit the form! Together we’ll make a difference in the New Year.

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