Today is July 27, 2024 /

2024 WJC Delegation of Power of Attorney for Sale of Chametz

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2024 WJC Delegation of Power of Attorney for Sale of Chametz

Part 1

I, the undersigned fully empower and appoint Rabbi Jeffrey M. Arnowitz to act as my agent and on my behalf, to sell all chametz possessed by me (knowingly or unknowingly) as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g. Hametz: doubt of chametz and all kinds of chametz mixtures) and to lease all places wherein the Chametz owned by me may be found. All chametz in my possession that will not be consumed by Monday, April 22, at 9:00am (the latest time for possessing chametz) will be stored and sealed by that time and will remain stored away for the duration of Pesah. Unless otherwise informed the chametz in these indicated locations will revert back to my ownership on Tuesday, April 30, at 9:30pm. This is especially for the premises located at:

Part II

Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz has the full right to sell and to lease by transactions, as he deems fit and proper for such time which he believes necessary in accordance with all detail terms as explained in the general authorization contract of the Rabbi to sell the Chametz. This general authorization is made part of this agreement.
The above given power is in conformity with Torah Law and Rabbinical regulations, and in accordance with the law of the State of New York and of the United States. And to this I hereby affix my signature on this day.
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