Today is July 26, 2024 /

Bid Rabbi Segelman Adieu

Dear Fellow Congregant,

As Rabbi Segelman approaches his retirement from WJC, and his days at the shul are winding down, we have arranged for a variety of opportunities for congregants to say goodbye to him individually or as families. Please use the sign-up genius, which you can find here, to secure a time slot to meet with Rabbi Segelman.

Rabbi Segelman will be available for five-minute zoom meetings. If you prefer, you can arrange to drive by WJC to say a few words of goodbye in person with mandatory social distancing.

We will also have a goodbye car parade at WJC on Sunday morning, July 19, more details to follow.

And finally, on Rabbi Segelman‘s last Shabbat, Saturday, July 25, after Havdalah we will have a zoom l’chaim (bring your own scotch).

This is a time of transition for our community and we are lucky to have Rabbi Arnowitz and Rabbi Segelman working together with us to make this as smooth as possible.

Please take advantage of the opportunities outlined above and do not hesitate to be in touch with us through the synagogue office if you have any questions.

Susie Miller and Sarene Shanus and

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