Today is July 26, 2024 /

Virtual Community Services for Week of April 13

Weekdays and Sundays, 8:00am

Please note: The minyan will be led by one of our clergy, and it is not the same as saying kaddish with a physical minyan. When this crisis passes, we will return to the requirement of a minyan with ten people physically in attendance together to make a minyan.
Join us:

Sunday-Thursday, 7:00pm
WJC Evening Community Time

There was such an overwhelming appreciation for being together Friday and Saturday evenings that we are adding a regular evening gathering. It’s a 15-20 minute opportunity to be together with our community and clergy for a song, prayer, story or meditation. Appropriate for all ages.
Join us:

Tuesdays at 9:45am
Torah Talk with Rabbi Arnowitz

Torah Talk resumes with a deep dive into the weekly Torah portion (Shemini)
Join us:


April 14 from 6:00-7:00pm
Yizkor and Ta’am Yom Tov

A special service to give us the opportunity to say Yizkor and bring in the Yom Tov of the last two days of Passover together. Yizkor will end about 40 minutes into the service and we will finish with prayers of the holiday and a kavanah for candle lighting.
Join us:


April 20 at 7:30pm
Yom HaShoah Commemoration

A Virtual Commemoration on this most solemn evening. We will light the Memorial in the WJC Sanctuary and recite the special Memorial Prayer for victims/martyrs of the Shoah. Following the lighting ceremony Rabbi Segelman will teach in honor of the day. The lesson will be entitled, “A Mezuzah on 16 Varniu Street in the Kovno Ghetto.”
Join us:

Mondays at 9:30am
Six Weeks of Learning with the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem (two three-week courses) starting April 20
Join us:

First three Mondays: “Meaningful Prayer in Challenging Moments” with Rabbi Daniel Silverstein 
Bringing our Whole Self into Prayer—sources from the Tanach, ancient rabbis, Kabbalists and Chasidic masters on overcoming the many doubts, anxieties, distractions and other hindrances which impede our prayer experience, not by ignoring or dismissing them, but by bringing them into our prayers. 

Second three weeks: TBD, but the general topic “Insights about Health and Healing from the Bible” with Bex Stern Rosenblatt

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