Today is July 27, 2024 /

A Letter From the Clergy

Dear WJC Family,

Our hearts broke as we learned of yet another violent attack on a place of worship as Pesach came to a close. Details are still emerging but we know of several serious injuries and at least one death caused by a murderous gunman at a synagogue near San Diego.

We read just a week ago in the Hagadah “sheb’chol dor vador omdim aleinu l’chaloteinu, v’hakadosh Baruch Hu matzileinu miyadam” “In every generation they have stood against us to destroy us, but the Holy Blessed One keeps rescuing us from their hands.” Indeed, as hateful rhetoric and violence seem to be on the rise across the political spectrum and across the globe, Jews continue to be targeted and scapegoated. Yet we have faith that the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps, that ultimately the people Israel will prevail.

In the coming days, it will become clear how we can help those most affected and we urge you to give of your time and money to that end.

Being part of the community can also help us cope, and so we encourage you to show up and be counted. Look through our calendar and choose an event or two in the coming weeks that won’t be the same without you. Our daily minyanim can always use more people and can provide a sense of hope and calm–a siddur phrase that we often gloss over can jump off the page with new meaning in times like these. Continuing to gather openly and proudly in Jewish spaces is an act of defiance and hope in the face of hatred.

Events like this tend to resurface traumas and fears that we usually can keep at bay, and if you want to talk, please know that the clergy are here for you. Together, we can sustain a community of comfort and healing.

May those who were injured have a refuah shleima, a complete healing, and may the memory of those who were murdered in the sanctification of God’s name be for a blessing.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Cantor Goldberg
Rabbi Yolkut
Rabbi Segelman

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