Today is July 27, 2024 /

Announcement from Rabbi Segelman

Dear Friends:

Last night, at the Congregational Meeting, I announced my intention to retire as Senior Rabbi in the summer/fall of 2020. While I am quite sure that this is the right decision both for my family and for the shul, it is still a very difficult one. My service to this synagogue for more than 30 years has been the greatest honor, and no Rabbi has enjoyed more respect and affection than you have shown me.

I have suggested that our leaders begin the process of a search for the new Rabbi which would take place in the months following these High Holidays. This will allow me to work with the new Rabbi for a year in order to effect a smooth transition. In the coming days, you will be receiving more information about the search process.

We are a very special congregation with wonderful leaders, and I have great faith that an excellent search process will bring an outstanding Rabbi to our community. I look forward to providing whatever assistance I can give.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to the next two years of learning, praying and sharing our lives together in good health.


Rabbi Jeffrey Segelman

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