Shabbat Shalom ~ Behaalotcha 2024

Dear WJC Family,

Happy first full day of summer! Yesterday at 4:50pm the North pole leaned as far towards the sun as it will in 2024. Therefore, we are experiencing the most sunlight and, importantly for us, the latest Shabbat candle lighting times of the year – 8:13pm this week and next week.

But summer doesn’t only mean long Shabbat days. It means sunshine, swimming, school break, and travel. Especially travel for the clergy. As a matter of fact, I will be starting my time away early this year, as we leave Tuesday to lead a group of 26 WJC members and friends on the Ride for the Living. The trip will take us to Krakow and Auschwitz and includes a 60-mile bike ride to raise money for the JCC in Krakow. If you’d like to learn more about what we have in store, click here. And a huge thanks goes out to Stu Seltzer who has chaired the trip, recruited, organized, and just been the all-around super volunteer he is. Thank you Stu!

If you have not yet had a chance to sponsor any of our riders, it’s not too late. The JCC Krakow does amazing work serving and revitalizing the Jewish community of Krakow and there is a match that will double your donation if you donate today. Sponsor our ride by clicking here.

After the ride I will start my summer leave and will return to the synagogue on Monday, July 29. These travels also mean that this week is our last Saturday Morning Torah Talk (8:30am class) until September when we will pick up again for the Hebrew month of Elul, break for the holidays and start again in November. While I am away, the synagogue will be in the good hands of Rabbi Dalton and Cantor Goldberg, who will be here to assist you with any pastoral needs or help.

It should be a lovely Shabbat in shul. On Saturday morning I will be leading “Simple & Soulful” with Cantor Goldberg. Also, in a private ceremony before services on Friday evening we will be graduating our most recent SULAM cohort who have completed an intense year of leadership training with our excellent facilitator Judy Herbst and the WJC clergy. Mazl tov to: Karen Abravanel, Barbara Basbanes, Jeremy Kasile Goldberg, Jeremy Blachman, Jordy Viuker Brennan, Amy Mayer, Aaron Niedermayer, Sarah Rosenwasser, and Scott Sholder!

See you in shul,

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